
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who Needs a Mortgage Refinance?

Refinancing a loan, particularly a mortgage, is something that will usually come from a need to do it as opposed to a concrete wish. However, there are plenty of circumstances in which a mortgage refinance may well be an excellent option for the borrower, and these are not necessarily circumstances of need. At present, interest rates are low, but with growth forecast for the near future it could be that they climb - so if you can refinance to a fixed rate mortgage you may well be doing yourself a real favour. As always with financial matters, it is a question of balance. But if you get the balance right then there can be a lot of wisdom in a mortgage refinance.

Extending the Term of Your Loan

The major reason that borrowers choose to refinance their mortgage is that it will extend the term of your home loan, thereby cutting the repayments on it. The financial breathing space this can give is highly desirable to many people. Indeed, the fact that a mortgage refinance adds to the principal of your loan need not even matter if you are considering putting it on the market anyway at some point. If you leave the house looking and working better than when you moved in, you may well make a profit, and counteract the extra that you have to pay on the mortgage. Refinancing in order to renovate a house is something that a number of people are doing in the present time - clever investment can mean that this pays off.

Interest Rates

One thing to think of is the matter of interest rates. What is the rate on your present mortgage? The chances are that you are paying higher interest than a lot of people. If you refinance to a fixed rate mortgage then you will be able to take advantage of the lower interest rates. It could well be that with this taken into account alongside the benefit of a longer term, you are able to save a lot of money. Money which may well come in extremely useful some way down the line if you are planning any kind of venture - business or real estate. Making a mortgage refinance work depends on having the composure and financial acumen to get the right mortgage refinance deal and then take advantage of the benefits it gives to you.


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